Friday 18 October 2019

Weekend Reads πŸ“š #5

Just in case the title doesn’t make any sense, this blog post and hopefully many to come, is just me talking about my reading plans for the weekend.
I’ve seen these sort of thing done mainly on YouTube, sometimes with a reading vlog, but since I have a blog, this is as close as I can get to that.
So, I hope you enjoy.

Lately instead of rushing to read so many books one after the other, I'm taking my time and enjoying them. I think this is mainly to do with me no longer doing the reading challenge on Goodreads. I still have mine up, but I put it at 12 books.

So, saying that, that is the reason why I'm still reading Heroes by Stephen Fry. I'm enjoying every moment of it. I knew some of these characters, but not the true story.
I'm also in love with Stephen Fry's writing. His wit is perfect to these characters.

If I happen to finish Heroes this weekend, I'm not sure what I'll pick up next. I am in the mood for a fantasy, so probably a John Gwynne book.

Until next time, happy reading

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